22 August 2006

hoo boy

what in the name of everything holy have i gotten myself into?


-K- said...

Did you start already??

Anonymous said...

You handled Matt Price, Brian Haughs, the cast of OH GOOD GRIEF WOULD SOMEONE JUST SHOOT THE "BIRDIE," the entire drum line INCLUDING Jeff Franka, AND the I B(e) crazy-masochistic program,while using MILES of StitchWitchery to great critical acclaim AND KEEPING ME SANE FOR THREE YEARS.

And that is NO SMALL TASK: I was a neurotic, repressed psycho in high school.

Plus, you had the "Eyebrow of DOOM" mastered in eleventh grade.

They are gonna love you. They already do.


P.S. And, you can always keep the "mantle" of authority (aka, sexy gold shawl) in your bottom drawer to wrap up in during coffee breaks when you want to hide under your desk. (I found a pic of you from Faustus, when you had your wisdom teeth out and curled up in a sexy white dress and a king-size white sheet on the stage-right thrust. Such a glamourous, comfy-looking chipmunk you were, love)