Yes, there is life after college, but it generally occurs on a bi-monthly rather than a daily basis. So you'll flip through your calendar and the middle of May will say graduation. Then the next few months will say nothing except "Real World". Then you eventually come to a weekend marked "Life". But after that, it's back to "Real World".
The future is bleak, but not hopeless. And my advice would be not to freak out until after graduation. The time before graduation is something you need to treausre and enjoy.
a 27 year old with two degrees in history, a fiance, a military commission, and more than her fair share of neuroses. i've figured out what i'm doing with the rest of my life, but getting the government to agree with me is going to be the trick.
Nope. Sorry. Tough Luck.
Haha, just kidding! Don't freak out!
Freak out.
Yes, there is life after college, but it generally occurs on a bi-monthly rather than a daily basis. So you'll flip through your calendar and the middle of May will say graduation. Then the next few months will say nothing except "Real World". Then you eventually come to a weekend marked "Life". But after that, it's back to "Real World".
The future is bleak, but not hopeless. And my advice would be not to freak out until after graduation. The time before graduation is something you need to treausre and enjoy.
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