16 March 2006


tonight's rehearsal was frustrating. extremely frustrating. i just wanted to scream, "people! we know your costumes aren't finished! we are not stupid! they will be done. trust me, i have been costuming for a very long time and i know what i'm doing. so stop complaining." it really got me kind of depressed, because marie, lindsey, meagan and i have been working our butts off the past two months to get these costumes made and ready and the first night it's like all we hear are problems and people saying they don't like things. they aren't done! it was the first dress rehearsal. it makes me question why we work so hard in the first place. at least there were a few people who liked their costumes. favorites right now: aitken, pat, robbie, darin, and the policemen.

i think i need to get more sleep.

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