20 May 2006

last night at college

tonight is my last night at gcc. i promised myself i wouldn't get all sentimental and sappy, otherwise i would get severely depressed. my one comment:

it's been a good four years. i'm sad to go.

so, my week. we picked up trey from the airport on wednesday (we being neil, shelly, caitlin, and i). and caitlin's doll head. the big, scary, demonic, somebody-get-an-exorcist one. looks like something out of one of the chucky movies. (anybody remember those?) anyway, it's like this big mask helmet thing. covers your whole head. two feet in diameter. the eyes are the size of saucers. anyway, this thing is frightening. therefore, in caitlin logic, that meant she needed to bring it into the airport. so trey was greeted on arrival in pittsburgh by the bride of chucky. this whole bizarre experience was made even more so when we were waiting on the curb for neil, and a cop came up wanting to know what the hell it was. she explained and proceeded to put the head on for him and do a tap dance. he said that it was the weirdest thing he'd seen in the airport. i still thought it was creepy.

wednesday night was a condo night. seven of us went down and we had a ball. instead of our normal condo activies, we puff-painted, played games, and watched disney movies until everybody crashed. it was like a flashback to a second grade slumber pary (further reinforced by the pop rocks and chewing gum cigarettes consumed on the ride back). most of us puff-painted t-shirts or tote bags. allan however, being allan, puff-painted a black plastic toilet plunger. it was nothing short of amazing.

packed like a fiend on thursday. also watched a lot of tv while packing. that night we went to the drive-in in butler. i love drive-in theaters. adore them. i wish we had one at home. i saw two movies: "just my luck", which was cute, and "lucky number slevin", which ended up being a really good movie. one of those with all sorts of plot twists, and a complicated ending that manages to draw together every aspect of the movie. plus, it starred josh hartnett. my future husband. the movie reaffirmed my deep and abiding love for him. we also just had a great time hanging out and talking.

car got packed today, family showed up. graduation practice seemed a little pointless. they didn't tell us what we needed to know, and didn't practice what we needed to do. oh well. i'm sure we'll get through it fine. after all, we have college degrees. i showed grammer around campus. she loved it. she kept saying, "this isn't a college dorm" "college dorms aren't supposed to look like the biltmore house" "this is what a college is supposed to look like", etc, etc, etc. i'm glad she finally got to see it after all this time. she told me that she can see why i wouldn't want to leave. baccalaureate was good. i always like seeing the professors in their colors. it's my obsession with anything even remotely costume-like. it was really, really strange seeing all the seniors in caps and gowns. the whole thing just seems so surreal. i mean, i remember the beginning of freshman year like it was yesterday.

but i promised myself i wouldn't get sentimental.

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