04 May 2006

back from the grave...aka the final weeks of student teaching

yeah, so i guess it's been awhile since i've written. what to say...

i honestly don't remember anything that happened last week. i feel like i had been meaning to post about it, but i guess it wasn't all that earth-shattering. last saturday i took my last praxis exam, the social studies one. it sucked. because this seemed to be the attitude of the test writers: remember every individual item of world, us, european, and asian history that you've ever learned, from the birth of eden to yesterday, go! oh yeah, and also recall some political science, geography, economics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology too. growl...it was annoying.

the exam was immediately followed by a bridal shower. rachel's, to be exact. much fun was had by all, most of which was at rachel's expense. we saw a subdued version of the "hansasaur song" and found out fun information, such as the fact that hans has been to a star trek convention, and that his parents have seriously thought he was gay not once, but two separate times. rachel actually stopped the bridal shower to ask why he had been to a star trek convention. she was a hoot. i've never seen someone so excited over cups and spatulas. i spent the whole time resisting the urge to eat my body weight in ho-ho's.

that night was the gala, a formal semi-annual dance. it was not nearly as fun as it was two years ago. they should not try to cram that many people into one tent. also, for future reference, when you are having an event to which the entire student body, faculty, and staff are invited...have more than one food table. i really liked hearing septone, but i left basically as soon as they were done, because i really didn't want to spend the rest of my evening getting elbowed in the head. i loved my outfit: empire waist, straight dress with this wicked cool shawl thing i found in the costume shop. it was very audrey. i wore it with the glitter rose shoes. not so audrey. but amazing.

i've pretty much spent this whole week in one of the worst moods i've been in in awhile. i'm snapping at everybody, the least little things set me off, i keep getting irrationally upset about stupid stuff, and i'm crying. i don't like to cry. i make it a point not to cry. crying is not my thing. so this has not been good. i'm feeling slightly better today, even though i really let a kid have it earlier. he deserved it though. he's the same one i gave detention to the other day (first time ever). he deserved that, too. i will not be groped by a 9th grader.

althought, i keep reminding myself, "you still have ten fingers". and that kinda puts things into perspective.

(previous comment sparked by the fact that one of my students cut his finger off the other day with a saw in wood shop. that day i learned that it is very hard to focus a class when a student walks in and announces: "jeremy won't be in class today. he cut his finger off last period with a saw. the finger flew across the room. it was really gross." he's ok though. he was back in school today, sporting a gigantic bandage and a huge yellow square foam thing on his arm. he said that when he woke up in the hospital, doped up on a lot of morphine, he thought sponge bob was trying to eat his arm.)

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