24 April 2008

stupid things i have done today

1.) locked my keys in my apartment, requiring my roommate to come home from work to let me in and causing me to leave for work 45 minutes late on a morning where i had a meeting first thing.
2.) through various reasons, ended up getting only six out of the twelve articles i was supposed to pick up from NIH, none of which was the main article that our medical director has needed for the past three weeks.
3.) left a hard-boiled egg in the freezer section of the minifridge at work too long, so that half of it was frozen by the time i got it out. and the shell stuck to the ice in the freezer.
4.) dropped the right earbud from my headphones into my glass of water...and didn't notice for several minutes.

it's just been one of those days.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

this has nothing to do with your actual post but, thank you for writing new things every now and again. you're one of the few!