05 December 2007

my sister is a never-ending source of amusement. as well as being the hershey fairy. apparently.

while reading this, keep in mind that i was never actually talking to mary at any point during the evening. she was just leaving random messages on my computer.

spacegirl: Donde estas?
spacegirl: De que haces?
spacegirl: quiero que hablar contigo
spacegirl: I could write you things in Hebrew, but my keyboard won't make their goofy letters
spacegirl: Of course, I could mostly write things like, "I want soup with lemon", but still, it would be things
spacegirl: never mind about the soup
spacegirl: I can't remember how to say it
spacegirl: I can say, "I live in a big house with lemon"

and then a little while later...

spacegirl: I just made up a song
spacegirl: It's called "My Accounting Song"
spacegirl: It goes like this...
spacegirl: "It's really boring, really boring, really boring. It's really boring..."
spacegirl: I was just singing it
spacegirl: It's a good song

followed soon by the true highlight of this extensive conversation between her and my computer:

spacegirl: I bought a box of 30 candy bars today to use up my extra food money
spacegirl: I have no earthly idea what I'm going to do with 30 candy bars
spacegirl: but I saw them and I was like, well hey, it's better to buy that than to waste food money
spacegirl: so I will most likely be depositing candy bars in various and sundry locations throughout your apartment when I come to visit
spacegirl: I'll be like the Hershey fairy
spacegirl: scattering joy and goodwill and reese's cups
spacegirl: I should get a big hat shaped like a hershey kiss
spacegirl: it would be hot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She might enjoy Twitter!

It's great for random conversation.

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