09 July 2010

take me out to the ball game

tonight i went to the ballpark and had chicken tenders, french fries, beer, and funnel cake.

lots and lots of funnel cake.

i love baseball. any sport that centers this much around food has got to be good.

tonight was my second nationals game of the season, and it was stunningly less impressive than the first (which happened to be last night...yes, i went to see two major league baseball games in as many days...i love baseball). last night dunn hit three home runs, one of which was a triple, and they won 7 to 6 against the padres. awesome game and extremely entertaining. especially since my group included two british guys, one of whom was visiting from england and hadn't ever seen baseball before. he was fascinated with how laid back everything was. i guess compared to european premier league soccer, it is pretty chill. so the game was great. tonight however...they lost something like 7 to 1. sadly, the fluke winning streak (2 games) seems to be over and we're back to the nats that we all know and love.

one of these days this town is going to get a team that doesn't suck overall (redskins, nats, wizards) and doesn't choke in the playoffs (caps...blame it on the russians).

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