for dinner tonight, i was responsible for finding my own food.
i ate three handfuls of peanuts and a bowl of broccoli. at 9:45.
this does not bode well for my future.
I find that amusing but definitely not surprising, since I used to live with you. I mean, you're the girl who lived on leftover cornbread and cookies that you brought back from the cafeteria.
I'm just wondering where the cheese was in this typical laura meal! Unfortunately, that closely resembles the meals that I make for myself too. You make it less lonely in domestically-challenged land- love you!
a 27 year old with two degrees in history, a fiance, a military commission, and more than her fair share of neuroses. i've figured out what i'm doing with the rest of my life, but getting the government to agree with me is going to be the trick.
I find that amusing but definitely not surprising, since I used to live with you. I mean, you're the girl who lived on leftover cornbread and cookies that you brought back from the cafeteria.
I'm just wondering where the cheese was in this typical laura meal!
Unfortunately, that closely resembles the meals that I make for myself too. You make it less lonely in domestically-challenged land- love you!
Did you drink uber-watered-down fruit juice? 'Cause that would also be VERY LAURA circa 2002
oh yeah, the uber-watered-down fruit juice is a must for every meal.
and - gasp - i'm trying to cut down on my cheese consumption.
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