22 November 2006

life is beautiful

today: teacher workday = much happiness --> there are no kids so i can sort, organize, stack, and file to my little obsessive-compulsive heart's content
tomorrow: turkey day!!
friday & saturday: wedding madness
sunday: relaxing alllll day

life doesn't get much better than that.

(unless, of course, i was driving the batmobile and living in a corona commercial, but that's beside the point.)

so they finally gave me my computer back. i have decided that i like the socially-retarded high school computer geeks better than the bitter and cynical engineering major college computer geeks, because the high school version gave me my computer back without wiping my hard drive. what a concept.

and now for the exciting news!!! i officially have my first job in the post-college theatre world. i am designing and making the costumes for the local community theatre's performance of the nutcracker and i am ecstatic. last night as i was sketching mice in uniform, it hit me how much i've missed theatre. i mean, of course i miss my friends like crazy, but i hadn't realized how much i miss the actual theatre work itself. the only problem is that i only have two weeks to put the show together. hooray for well-stocked costume shops and community theatre where you can make people go buy their own stuff.

ok, i'm going to go grade some papers or sort some files or something. or maybe i'll just wander around and talk to the other teachers wandering around cause they don't want to do work either.

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